When India won independence most of the civil servants (at that time they were indeed good) felt that Sardar Patel should lead the country. Gandhi interfered and Nehru became the PM, do i need to tell you the mamoth blunders of Nehru or his flawed policies and useless leadership. But herewith began the culture of politcal heirachy. That was the first time in independent India that personal choice dominated reason. And since then reason has taken a back seat - Nehru was followed by Indira, Sanjay, Rajeev, Rahul and most intrestingly Sonia. Many beleive and not without reason that Patel would have brought about a different India, you should know that he united 610 princely states as India, the India you know today is his work. That small blunder as it may seem of Gandhi changed the way of governance in India. Gandhi patronised his followers and disregarded the rest nationalist whether Bhagat Singh or you need to appease Madam Gandhi. Gandhi practised politics without any office or authority or responsibility, that is what many Godfathers do today Sonia or Lalu, Left or others.

Gandhi's policies of winning freedom - satyagraha and civil disobedience have made the whole nation disobedient. People still go to strike for every petty purpose. Politcians have two mootos - when in power loot as much as you can when in opposition strike as much as you can. Have you seen those scenes in Parliament and assemblies ? Throwing chairs and uprooting the stage. We should be ashamed of electing such leaders and yet we donot feel shame because that is what Gandhi did ! People call strikes reminding Gandhi did it. The coomon man feared law before Gandhi who told them to break the law and you know what law means today. Meant to be broken, civic sense has been completely wasted. India is wayward today because we have lived in a India where law comes secondary to money and power.
I know there is nothing to be gained from accusing him. But there is nothing to be gained from praising him either. I just read Digvijay Singh reminding people that Congress is the party of Gandhi, the most honest secular and social leader of all time and Congress follows his ideals. That is why we need to know that Gandhi's ideals were the biggest curse on India and Congress keeps on reviving it.