Thursday, August 12, 2010

Memoirs !!

Just trying my hands at collage, inspired by Sudesh. To have an engineer as your friend has an advantage that he keeps on reminding you that you lag behind when it comes to technology. Koi bat nahi har ............. ka din ata hai.

Medical Schools are a hell for your creativity and enjoyment. In such a draconian place there are a few moments to cherish one of them being SP in January. The marvelous decorations coupled with individual elegance makes it a memorable affair.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ode to St.Paul's

The first thing that comes to mind of the word "ode" is a poem of Thomas Hardy, the next we were in Std.9 and some south Indian taught us (forgot his name). Even now there many things that reminds me instinctively of my school days - 
* Like the prepositions Sudesh had an unparalleled aptitude for them he would bombard them untill we got one wrong (it didn't take long :-) quick), 
* Whenever I feel sleepy in a lecture Mrs Mamta Sahu floats in- I slept in nearly all of her classes and Nibir slept behind me. Interestingly I was never caught and even more interestingly Nibir was caught and had a fair bit of questioning on Caesar's wife. Course he didn't answer and that set the questioner on fire.... actually we had resolved not to comment on other's wives but she didn't know it, we were being noble.
* Whenever someone around me keeps on talking without a break Nikita and Ashutosh fly in, they would talk continuously at times to no use while at others lead to a smile.
* And yes whenever I hear an intelligent comment Ankur reminds me of himself. He used to comment on anything and everything, none of which could penetrate our thick brain but we were kind enough to smile !
*A beautiful teacher (there are none in the college of course but serials often through up a few) and all you can remember is Mrs Shipra, most of us kept on speculating how beautiful she would have been in her younger days (not me) and Prashant Ranjan made a habit of mentioning it every now and then.
*Sir Sarit Ghosh, he remains one of the most memorable people I have ever met. Whether it was his perfect anchoring, his scooter (someone tried to deflate it once), his threats of calling the parents or his teaching of History ( I never thought I would enjoy History, but I did) assembeled with an array of topics ranging from todays news to an actors nick name and many more. He was the most mimicked teachers of our time.
*And at last Miss Ganguly, she remains the best teacher I have  ever come across and she is why I took to books and made a career. 

There is much more to write about the school days unfortunately the net connection isn't helping me. I will try in the coming days to give you a brief of St Paul's through 45 years and my date with it. And yes, that I can still write a blog 4 years after giving up English remains another ode to the school. 
Haaappppyyyy Biiiirrrrtttthhhdddaaayyy.